Sunday, November 14, 2010

Glen Beck vs George Sorosn

I'm not a fan of Glenn Beck.

That being said, I'm even less of a fan of George Soros. You should not be a fan of Soros either... If you are angry about things like hedge fund managers betting against the prosperity of people. One need only look at Soros' history to see that he is NOT a good guy. To make things worse, if he is hedging against the dollar, you better believe he is going to ensure that he gets a return on his investment (which means the money in your pocket will be worth less).

Additionally, I would like like to point out that in my opinion George Soros is an anti-semite (although of Jewish decent himself) and that is not in and of itself offensive to Christians. Why? Because too often Christians defend Jews in an attempt to be PC. Guess what, Christians... Jews are not like you. They do not believe in the things that you do--your messiah is nothing to them. Educate yourselves at

Sorry to get off on a tangent... Anyway, with all the buzz about Beck and Soros, I wanted to insert my opinion on the matter, and in summary: Beck is always crying that the world is coming to an end, and Soros is a real bad guy who wants to profit at our expense. It's a good thing that Soros is in his 80s and will probably be passing on soon to possibly meet his creator and learn the err of his ways.

That is my two cents at the moment.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Illegal Immigation

I think it's silly that some legal hispanic citizens would get upset that a state has made a law that merely enforces a federal law barring illegal crossing of the border. I love virtually all hispanic culture... Minus the entitlement generation of U.S. born kids who know nothing about the country their parents came from and refuse to embrace who they really are. As it turns out, being a citizen of the United States means that you can't be categorized, branded, or stereotyped... We are the very definition of diversity. Being "American" doesn't mean that you're not of hispanic descent, or Irish descent, or African descent. What it does mean, is that you are a product of decisions made by your ancestors... And they were very likely GOOD decisions.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Coming soon to a Utopia near you... Healthcare only for those who can't afford it. More later, when I get some time.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Who does Congress think they are??? If I ran Toyota, I'd tell the U.S. Congress to go jump off a bridge. I'm so tired of these jerks holding inquiries and hearings about things they have no business being involved in. Hey Congress - DO YOU JOB FOR A CHANGE!!! Get your nose out of cars, baseball, and the private jets. These idiots can't even manage to do their job right, and they're wasting time screwing up other things. And it's your fault for (re-)electing them...

Take a look at what your senators (R/D/I) are actually doing, and if it's wasting time and squandering resources--boot 'em!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


So, I went to see a band this weekend. A friend told me his band (O.C.D.) was playing at this little hole in the wall in Virginia Beach, so I went down and saw them. Wow! I was shocked at how good they were. It kinda made me want to get together a band, but then I remembered the one-thousand other things going on in my life, and I realized that I don't have time for that... YET. I also want to write an amazingly bizarre, almost eerie poem like "The Raven," and I want to write a book, and I want to learn several languages, and I want to write a really cool computer program and give it away for free, and I want to be in a play, and I want to teach a class to college kids (real college, not sailors in the Navy), and I want to build something really cool, and I want to dance so great that the entire room stops and watches me in awe... The list goes on. I have decided that I will do all of these things. My poem may fall on deaf ears; my book may go unread; my language skills go unheard; and my dance be unseen, but I SHALL do these things before my life is over. And why not? It doesn't matter how old you are, where you live, or how you make your money... Set aside just a little time, or little money, or dedicate a little effort each week to doing the great things you want to do. Otherwise, what will you really accomplish? Sure, you may get your paycheck, pay your bills, and eat whatever food you want... But are you working toward accomplishing something??? If you are, you should have something to prove it--A little money in a bank account, a couple of paragraphs on a sheet of paper or in a file somewhere, or maybe a class to go to this Tuesday. Don't forget who you are and what you want to do. I haven't.